Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Ahhhhh November!!!

I woke up this morning. That is always the greatest start to any day I have ever had! I moved almost 90 days ago to a place where I have wanted to live my whole life....on the Oregon Coast. I woke up to it raining and blustery and tree limbs banging against my window...I just love that about being here. I opened my door to welcome the new day in and what was waiting for me, what slapped me in the face is the crisp, fresh sent of the ocean...that is what sustains me on most days. I have accumulated stuff since my move here, that are helping me fulfill life long dreams...I always thought you had to have a family to cook at home; to bake and do those kinds of things...this morning I put my turkey breast in the crock pot (on low so it is going to smell up my home for 8 whole hours) and I am ready on this blustery day to put some music on and get my knit on... I feel no sense of impending anything 'right around the corner' I feel God's love wash over me just like his love is pouring down on the leaves outside. I am grasping and developing the way to live in peace...most importantly peace with myself and I am eternally grateful for that. No competitions, no arguments...only peace. I am in total control of who and what comes into my environment. I am grasping that more and more everyday. My life is not summed up in a pretty poster that is attached to the wall of my Facebook page (I don't even have Facebook anymore) And most people would argue that I am in such a place of peace because I barely walk out my door to check the mail let alone am I out in society and what I would say to that is peace is truly an inside job. Not contingent upon the norms of society such as a family or a 9 to 5 job; if I am blaming those things for my no peace, doesn't that by the very nature, also mean they are responsible for my peace. For me that is not nor ever has been nor ever will be the case for me. I haven't been able to hold a job and live the life society says one needs to in order to feel accomplished, loved and whole. However my gauge for those this is my own life...not what society says my life ought to be. I am in a place of peace right now this moment and that is better than the best for me. Have a splendid day, whatever that means for you. Love & Grace.

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